Flying Motorbike Driving Simulator

Flying Motorbike Driving Simulator

Flying Motorbike Driving Simulator


Welcome to the Flying Motorbike Driving Simulator, one of the best new fusions between driving games and flying games. The motorcycle you are controlling has the power to spread its wings and fly into the air, which is exactly what we encourage you to do right now and here with this awesome game!

How to play

Typically, this entails driving or flying in such a way that you pass through checkpoints, collect items, meet deadlines, and other obligations. The more you do well, the more money you get, which you can spend on buying better motorcycles for fun in the garage.

WASD is used to accelerate, brake, and steer. Space is used to jump. L-shift triggers nitro, R resets the bike, F stretches the wings, G retracts them, and M shows the map.